Most marriages were products of circumstances, for example unexpected pregnancy, mate merging, family long term relationship, friends to friends introduction and so on, there are also marriages that were properly contracted following all the norms and procedures as required by law, custom and tradition, depending on the country, clime or continent where such union was legitimized.

There are different women with different characteristics depending on their nature upbringing or background.

Although some women subscribes to nagging in their marriage while also many do not nag, many refers to nagging as evidence of lack of self discipline, while others sees it as bad upbringing from home, but however nagging may have been viewed and defined in certain circles, it does not necessarily mean that the habit can not be managed by husband’s who are victims of nagging wives.


A nagging wife is one who is continually fault finding, complaining, petulant and consistently annoying, according to Oxford advanced dictionary. The major causes of nagging are frustration, confusion, and unhappiness with a particular character exhibition, from their husband.

Some of the likely habits of nagging are basically, strong urge to control everything around you, feeling helpless and using words or statements that accuses, or behaving like a parent to a husband and in most cases pushing your husband to a point of rejection by asking for something repeatedly and equally being too focused on their behaviour



To live comfortably with a nagging wife, you must be extremely patient, calm collected and relaxed whenever she is nagging or quarrelling with you, you must resist the urge to respond with aggression or anger.


See yourself in her position and try to empathise with her, try and find out what is making her behave in such a way, and learn to tolerate her. Some actions are products of stress, anxiety and feeling of dissatisfaction or insecurity.


At her best of times, try to probe her reasons for nagging, ask her what are really her concerns and grievances, give her a listening ear, and try to convince her to understand your thoughts and feelings respectfully.


Let her understand the kind of character and behaviour that you most accept and the kind that puts you off, but ensure that you communicate them to her in the spirit of love and respect.


When the nagging is leading to bitter dimensions, seek help by consulting a therapist or a counsellor for assistance, they could introduce profitable ideas on how to successfuly and effectively come out of that situation.


Nagging is not a good habit for a successful marriage, it eats away the joy, laughter and sense of humour which are ingredients of happy marriage.


The fear of a lasting marriage has become today, the beginning of wisdom for several intending partners in a relationship poised towards marriage. Many years back in the 40’s/ 50’s, marriage was an event looked forward to with high expectations and excitement of a beautiful blissful union of enjoyment and reproductive life ahead, with children as blessings after marriage, and great plans on how to bring up the children with good training background to prepare them to be able to face the challenges that the vicissitudes of life will throw against them in their life journey.

Marriages then were very successful without fear of divorces, because divorces were very rare and may happen in one out of fifty marriages and even in most cases non existent.

Marriages began to suffer decline and divorce from, 70’s when several factors lead to diverse “RIGHTS” teachings, seminars and knowledge in marriages which gave birth to boundaries resulting in identification of priviledges with each party in the marriage especially women defining what she is supposed to enjoy, and her perceived NEW duties in sharing responsibilities within the marriage.

This is one factor that radically redesigned and redefined the theory and objectives of the institution of marriage unleashing on her the undesirable consequences of DIVORCE as an option if the other party fails to meet up with his responsibility.


according to Oxford dictionary, A factor is an element that influences something, a circumstance, fact or event that contributes to a result.


Several factors are responsible for a long and lasting marriage, but we shall narrow down to a few of them, which are very fundamental reference points.


For any marriage to stand the test of time, it requires a whole lot of patience and tolerance from both parties, the ability to tolerate each other’s human frailty, weaknesses and flaws is a major deciding factor for a lasting marriage.


For marriages to thrive and succeed, couples must cultivate the privilege of listening to each other. Good communication skills are non negotiable factors for a successful marriage, the ability to effectively communicate each others request and the wisdom to listen and respond well are rare characteristics for successful marriage.


Respect is a cardinal principle and a pillar in marriage, Marriage can easily crash within six months, where respect is absent, love is absolutely absent, any marriage where these two factors are absent, there is no marriage it is cohabitation. The ability to respect each others feelings, beliefs and opinions is the hallmark of a happy and healthy successful marriage.

4. LOVE:

Love is marriage and marriage is love, Love is the lubricant of every relationships and marriage, it is the most powerful factor and glue that binds each other together blinding them from seeing their faults. It is an unexplainable force whose influence is overwhelming, when marriage is built on LOVE & RESPECT it is indestructible.


Trust is a positive weapon to undermine gossips and controversies, with trust in marriage it becomes dependable and couples can believe on themselves even when they live in countries far apart from each other, trust is a powerful pillar that helps marriage to withstand the test of time.


The sweetness of every marriage is cultivated during intimacy, it is the pulse that gives vibes to a happy enduring marriage, intimacy is the seat of judgment where minor issues are raised, discussed, investigated and settled, it is a very influential factor in marriage, any marriage where intimacy is vacant, the life in that marriage gradually dries up, except for very obvious reasons, i mean physical and emotional intimacy.


The ability to overlook each other’s fault with forgiveness from the heart is the mark of excellence in all marriages, marriage is when two imperfect matured people come together from different backgrounds and decide to live together for the rest of their lives. In the process of staying together character variations will show up to the dismay of the other partner and mistakes of commission and omissions becomes visibly irritating, so the ability to forgive before, during and after is the power of love demonstrated.


I boarded a flight from New York to Canada and besides me sat an Italian woman who was sobbing almost uncontrollably wiping her tears with the handkerchief in her left hand, after watching her for sometime with concern, I greeted her, she answered me out of courtesy, and that prompted me to ask, miss, sure all is not well ? Her response was full of betrayed emotions when she replied, I just broke up with my husband of thirty years.

Sir, Marriage is not worth it, I have put in the best part of my youthful years, now I am fifty years old and my husband is no longer comfortable with me, as i continue to see him different from who i used to know as my sweetheart, it’s like we are getting more and more separated instead of getting more and more together, I had to quit to avoid more abuse in the marriage, but it is so painful haven invested so much into my marriage, for the profit of our marital union to increase, instead what I see is a decrease like the LAW OF DIMINISHING RETURN in Economics, as she began to sob again and wiping her tears.

Here, I was surprised for the first time to learn that the same law of diminishing return that applies in Economics also applies in marriage.

I then choose to research and write a book on MARRIAGE and THE LAW OF DIMINISHING RETURN.

Research says that, “The law of diminishing return is a principle which defines that profits or benefits gained from something will represent a proportionally smaller gains as more money or energy is invested in it”

Let’s take for example the human being, whom from the time of birth, investment is continous from feeding, clothing, domestic training, formal education, until marriage, as he travels or passes through his youth, he continually invest in himself, immediately he enters his seventies, the law of diminishing return sets in, in some of his actions, speeches, ability to assimilate and remember accurately, including soundness of the once vigorous health, etc, he automatically falls victim to the law of diminishing return.

This law expresses its power in the belief that no matter how, the gains of continous investment in a particular area of effort, will naturally begin to decrease and less profitable and effective and this without doubt also affects marriage.

This means that with the passage of time, the marital investments of one or both parties, may not be able to produce simultaneously the same level of service of happiness and satisfying comfort as it was in the beginning.

This means that there will be a gradual erotion of the spark, attraction, excitement and emotional attachment in the marriage and relationship, as time wears on.

This can also directly result in a reduction in intimacy, communication breakdown and the general feeling of dissatisfaction or even disconnection in the marriage and relationship like the case of the woman that boarded the same flight with me on that faithful day, Her marriage has fallen victim to the unapologetic LAW OF DIMINISHING RETURN.

In her case, both of them failed to explore other efforts to keep the relationship and marriage fresh and happy, by indulging in other ways to connect and regularise and prioritise their marriage towards sourcing other avenues for happiness, and fulfilment for their lives.

Now my question is, The law of diminishing return, is it a desired expectation in every marriage or relationships?

However, the truth is that as time wears out, those emotions and factors that constituted the basis of marriage also falls victim to the law of diminishing return whereby the profits of investment in the marriage may also begin to diminish.

If couples will work out other options and ways to explore more in their marriage or relationship, it will no longer be a desired expectation, all they need is to discover new ways to continue to fan the embers of their love relationship and connection.

Truth is that the dynamism of marriage and relationship requires the collective efforts of both parties to keep it functioning in strength of character Love and good health including adventure.

The subject of MARRIAGE and THE LAW OF DIMINISHING RETURN is one that is double faced as it has the ability to bring joyful feelings and good companionship alongside its challenges, because there’s a point in marriage when the benefits begins to decrease, and no matter what you do to encourage its benefits, it continues to succumb to decline, like the LAW of DIMINISHING RETURN in Economics.

Can marriages be able to fight and overwhelm this powerful principle? are you a victim? Maybe you know someone who is experiencing the law of diminishing return in marriage, fact is, the law of diminishing return in marriage is a concept that suggests that the longer the person is in marriage the less satisfaction they experience.

The principle of economics which states that the benefits gained from an investment diminishes as more is invested is the law of diminishing return and it also applies in marriage.

In marriage and relationships, partners may no longer find fascinating experiences in intimacy and communication because almost all actions and advances becomes predictable and less adventurous, as time wears out, except the couples find efforts in recreating the excitement and sparks that will trigger the union again and again.

Are there benefits in the law of diminishing return in marriage?

After several years of marriage the pressure to impress the other partner constantly begins to give way to naturalness, this eventually lowers anxiety and insecurity, giving way to real expressions of affection and care.

Couples may have become too used to themselves, in managing frictions and conflicts, because over the years they have been able to understand the negative triggers that would cause misunderstandings and avoid them to their good health.

Couples are also now focused on pushing their future together in view of the understanding they have about the law of diminishing return especially on how to manage relationships till death do them part.

Couples in relationship and marriages having a proper understanding of how the law of diminishing return functions, are able to reach a point where they see life as it unfolds daily with contentment and excitement.

There are also disadvantages of this law of diminishing return in marriage, firstly, is BOREDOM, The thing is when they begin to see the change in behaviour and disposition in the other partner, boredom and unsatisfaction with the status quo sets in, like in the case of that woman that boarded the same flight with me, seeing that the excitement she experienced in the early years of her marriage has grown wings and flew away, she is tempted to feel that she has missed out on something very remarkable.

As time wears on, those appearances that constitute physical attractions will begin to succumb to natural laws, like a gradual fade in beauty with stressors and other body degrading agents, couples becomes less attractive to themselves, in most cases this can lead to disappointment, resentments and even in worse cases infidelity.

Some couples can also subscribe to complacency and may no longer be interested in the pursuit of value, and sometimes they can even take themselves for granted after being with themselves for a very long time.

All relationships and marriages are at the mercy of disagreements, disappointments, bitterness and disillusionment, the longer or more time you spend with someone creates opportunities for resentments which to a very large extent can trigger the law of diminishing return in that marriage and relationships.


Forgiveness is the greatest healing power in heaven and on earth.

It is the balm and the salve to every sore, when you decide to open your heart and forget about the mischief of anyone or others against you, you have done two powerful successful surgeries simultaneously.

Firstly for yourself, by releasing yourself from the prison of your own heart and secondly by releasing the person who offended you from the prison of your heart.

Therefore all former resentments and negative feelings of anger towards them automatically give way in your heart to a breath of fresh oxygen.

This freshness opens the door of your life and heart to compassion and mercy including wisdom knowledge and understanding.

The greatest of all freedom is the freedom of the spirit, soul and body, the only power responsible for this action is forgiveness.

Many people’s heart are clogged with hurt arising from offences, and as they turn their hearts to a spiritual refugee camp of unforgiveness, they carry around on their heart a huge weight of emotional burden that breeds hypertension and heart attacks leading to untimely deaths.

Unforgiveness is the bait that attracts, anxiety, depression, stress, as long as you hold on to grudges anger and resentments, it is the forerunner of different health complications like sadness, unhappiness, low immunity and lack of inspiration, etc.

The benefits of forgiveness from societal point of view is enormous and impressive as it helps to Foster love, oneness, unity, and compassion towards each other as well as empathy, understanding and affinity.

It helps to reduce conflict and serves as a catalyst for reconciliation, it helps to build blocks of solid trust and stronger social connections and fantastic relationships.

If human beings must continue to grow, progress and develop for the benefit of all, the influence, power and force of forgiveness amongst ourselves cannot be underestimated.


I’m sorry is a demonstration of humility and recognition of mistakes and the realization of the importance of making amends.

It is the most beautiful way to show strength, maturity, responsibility and accountability to a fault.

Each time you say I am sorry, you show empathy in the sense that you also feel the hurt of the offended, this can assist in lowering the anger and resentment of the one hurted and encourage bonding.

When an apology is tendered to the hurt, the hurt instead of extending his hurt anger, bears the hurt alone and moves forward out of that circumstances, situations or conditions. “I AM SORRY” brings light to the darkness of difficult situations.

One way in which good relationships can be restored amongst communities, larger societies, nations in marriage, family, business, between fiance and fiancee, is ability to accept responsibility for a fault, this singular act is, represents the trust engineering voltage power in that relationship,but once this is broken the entire relationship becomes a suspicious one.

All said and done, ” I am sorry” is a great positive transformer of dead end situations that would have been instrumental to a catastrophe of terrible magnitude.


The streams runs into the rivers, the rivers runs into the seas and the seas flows ceaselessly into the ocean.

This natural dynamics of flow continues in a 360 degree, flowing into one another forever without restrictions, interruption, obstacles, confusion or question..

The law of nature regulates this flow to announce nature’s performance perfection in quality, creativity, innocence and excellence in style and beauty without technological innovation interferences or collusion and collision in its course.

Now, the beauty in the perfectness of nature is found in the observation of natural principles and practices. Principles are natural and eternal.

Here me, there is a loud broadcast in silence that the sea constantly informs humanity during its flow course, that humans pays deaf ears to, even while swimming in the streams, rivers, seas or oceans. Here her, this silent broadcast is written in one sentence.


Now, for humanity, there is also one sentence that can stop wars ravaging nations, ie Putin Russia war against Zelensky’s Ukraine country. The war that has destroyed lives and properties, separated families, businesses, destroyed government establishments, caused untold hardship, replaced economic buoyancy with deprivation, hunger and starvation and removed nationals from their land of birth to become second class citizen in another country and most importantly MARRIAGE.

One sentence that leaders have refused to utter because they have been inflamed by arrogance and pride, have caused civil wars, within countries, caused inter communal boundaries disputes leading to civil disturbances and leading to deaths of many innocents, intra communal crisis, misunderstandings between families, politically orchestrated misunderstandings within countries, not excluding marital issues, challenges and divorces.

Inability to make this sentence has caused breakdown in friendships leading to bitterness and irreconcilable differences.

All these above named are at the mercy of a new/old secret that humans have lost enthusiasm and reference to in practise principles and observation.

This old/new secret is also public knowledge, and the most beautiful, powerful, stainless, natural, life invigorating, decision transforming, love evoking, negative neutralising power, it is one of the finest and most amazing power of nature, that has been available and at humanity’s disposal for the enjoyment of peaceful co existence, comfort, good life and the only solution to all myriads of artificial and natural predicaments including safe marriage and relationships.

This amazing sentence is found in a six letter words. It is an emotional weight lifter, and no matter how weighty any matter maybe it has the capacity to lift it and throw it out of the lives of individuals, communities, marriage crisis or misunderstanding, including nations besieged with iminent war when spoken.

The sentence is ——-:



When this sentence is uttered in humility and sincerely from the heart, it demobilizes the other person and removes away from that person the “will and the energy” to continue to fight, it begins to resets everything positively, and situation aright. It is a neutralising force, that defeats misunderstanding, crisis and wars, reorganizes and resets the compass of direction in the right perspective, defeating all enemies and architects of violence including the enemy of a peaceful happy marriage, called misunderstanding and inability to reconcile.


The high rate of cheating by men especially married men has reached a peak where in most cases, the cheating man will bring their cheating partner to their matrimonial homes sometimes when their spouse is not around. The women who are victims sometimes get very agitated and worried and tries to know what has gone wrong with their life partners change of attitude and current behavioural dispositions, especially if this was not the case when they newly wedded.

On many occasions when the woman summons courage to resist this disgusting behavioural exhibitions from the husband, she is initially confronted with denials from her husband until denials becomes resistance and progresses to misunderstanding and hot exchange of verbal communication, then finally either the woman attacks her husband firstly, or the husband attacks the wife firstly, from here on the pillars that holds the entire marriage together begins to crumble and give way to negative tendencies whose consequences that may lead to separation.

Temporary separation if not immediately addressed and reconciliation brought forth, the marriage suffers divorce and the consequences of divorce is visited on the husband, wife, children, inlaws, families, including close friends and well wishers.

This express road to divorce started with a simple decision for fun seeking and adventure in the negative way in a husband’s decision to explore on his sexuality.


Is it true that one woman is not enough for a man? or is it in the nature of a man to have multiple sex partners that will attend to his sexual orgies?


Marriage is a union between a man and a woman in either a cultural and traditional ceremony, court registry or in a wedding of holy solemnization with a priest or pastor presiding over, certifying and blessing the marriage . It is a natural observation that has spanned many centuries, as a matter of fact it started in the garden of Eden with Almighty God who is the authur of marriage joining and presiding over the union between Adam and Eve.



80% of men by nature are polygamous, this is why even if a man marries the most beautiful girl in the world, he can still flirt with the ugliest woman in his circle of influence.


Some men out of lust for beauty were carried away and deceived into marriage, after some years the beauty fades away as unattractive beauty age caves in, the lust eventually disappears and nothing of concern is left in the wife for the man to explore.

Secondly, the dreams, purpose, plans and life direction and focus may be different and the possibility of the wife harmonising her dreams in to the husband’s dream may not be feasible, leading to each individual pursuing their different dreams at the expense of their Love, mutual interest and sexual gratification.


Some wives are so greedy and unappreciative of the efforts of her husband no matter how much he tries, he is welcome by lack of respect which kills love sexual desire, because on many occasions some greedy women will reach a condition with her husband before sex is consummated.


A nagging wife is the worst nightmare to a successful marriage, no man is comfortable with a nagging wife, instead he will prefer to hang out with friends until it is late when almost the whole household is asleep.


Some woman or wife are so hot tempered and ready to fight their husband at the slightest provocation, these class of women beats their children and punishes them at any given opportunity, rebuffing their children’s and husband’s plea for mercy, on many occasions their husband loses control over their wives to calm them when their wives are inflamed by temper.


Most wives are very lazy in their domestic affairs, simple things like cleaning the house, organising the home to attract welcome back home, simple removal of cobwebs from residual areas are left untouched. The husband is not motivated to return into a disorganised dirty and unkempt home where everywhere is scattered.


Some women fat indiscriminately while in bed sleeping, and the odour emanating from their fat makes the man to lost interest in sexual activity with his wife:


Many wives deprives their husband from having sex with them when he is honey, and this affects the emotional wellbeing of the men seriously because to a large extent it can affect their prostrate as they grow older, so to avoid such ailments at old age they seek a way out.


Many men likes adventurous sex, they want to experience different sexual fantasies or sex styles while having sex with their wives, but some wives are not too comfortable with changing styles to explore their sexuality.


Every man needs a chef as a wife, most women are bad cooks no matter the expenditure for that food. Some outrightly can’t cook at all because they don’t know how to cook, most men especially Africans love to eat home made food, so where this is not available, the man thinks of a solution.


Even though more than 80%of men cheats, there is still an exception, some men cheats very discretely, while some are public with their extra marital affairs. Many men are actually not too comfortable with extra marital relationships because it depletes their income, but they will continue to cheat especially if the reason for their cheating cannot, may not or will not be addressed by their wives or wife, even though It only serves them a momentary relief.

Some husband’s are ready to change from cheating and become loyal to their wives, when they see a change in their wives behaviour and especially in the areas they want their wife to change or amend.


The use of different costmetics products, costumes, foundation, lipstick, eye shadow including mascara etc, to improve your facial outlook is simply defined as make up artistry. Besides facial improvement, make up can be applied to evoke emotions towards a desire, by way of applying the use of fixtures, texture and colour.

The film industry and theatre houses are some of  the places where make up artistry are very visible, the fashion industry, television, weddings, and very important occasions requires the touch of a make up artist for the purpose of beauty and creativity.

The efficiency and effectiveness in keeping to details, including the understanding of different skin types, complexions and face shapes is the distinguishing mark of a proficient makeup artist. Makeup artistry have gradually become very popular and a lucrative job because of its increasing demand by individuals especially women.


A professional who is skilled and involved in the process of enhancing the natural beauty of women and men by applying skin care recommended products on the face and other related parts of the body and paying attention to details is a make up artist.

Make up artist have the professional ability to alter the shape, looks, texture of a client and make such client especially women to become extremely beautiful and attractive using different kinds of colours, styles and techniques to meet their clients expectations and can also make people very ugly and fearful in the case of acting horror films.

A professional makeup artist can recommend what a client should be applying to concerned areas of her body to give her maintenance goals or expectations.

A good makeup artist must be educated enough to be able to communicate well with her  client in the generally accepted language in that part of the world the makeup artist functions.



The place of training to become a professional makeup artist can not be overlooked or underestimated, makeup artistry is a skill that requires application techniques and knowledge including good skills and trending makeup assessories and products.

There are several professional makeup artist training centres or schools where knowledge and certification can be acquired, it is necessary that an upcoming make up artist avails him/her of such institutions.


In other to have experience besides attending a formal academic course, there are informal centres where knowledge can be acquired as an apprentice, this will also enable you to learn the trade or profession from a different wavelength.


You can not succeed in becoming an international make up artist if you restrict yourself to a particular location, you must expand your search by naturally flowing into other organisations of like, the social media are ready-made willing tools you can avail yourself in establishing relationships. Internationally, you can also network yourself, and also register your business with local makeup associations in your locality.


The make up industry also has diversity, such as Bridal or special effects, Runway and editorial, therefore focusing on a particular field of specialisation will greatly enhance your public rating and expertise.


You can build or create a pictorial portfolio showcasing your expertise that crystalizes your skills, experience effectiveness and expertise.


To remain on top of your game, you must cultivate the virtue of continous learning by attending different classes of seminars, this will assist in no small measure in knowing the latest trends in your field.


Learn to socialize with other proffesions directly related to your industry in other to benefit on a win-win relationship.


Encourage yourself to travel beyond borders to acquire more information and knowledge about your choice of make up career, whatever knowledge you acquire across borders can be of tremendous help in your chosen career.


You can leverage on the social media as a tool to advance your business, the social media could also pay you back through patronage of your services or even products.


Fear has been a factor that has crippled many internationally born makeup artist from plunging, advancing and excelling in their dreams and chosen career.

You must destroy the power of fear and be bold enough to take risk. Do whatever you want to do, strive for excellence though it may take some time, you will surely get there one day.


There is nothing in life that is impossible. All great men and women today, some of them were not even as good as you are, but they scalled hurdles, fought restraints, break boundaries and then burnt bridges. When you are face with extinction with no hope for survival, the creative genius in you will arise within you and help you to become successful and win over your battles.


The evolution of the fashion industry globally has metamorphosized into one of the largest industries universally, especially in contemporary times.

Fashion designing has the potential of launching an intending prospect into the global market to become extremely successful in the fashion design niche.

The principle behind a successful fashion designer’s success is predicated on the exceptional quality of products and services delivery based on the instrumentality of four credentials.

1. Expertise.

2. Business intelligence

3. Smart work

4. Patience.

In other to become an international fashion designer, we shall be looking at certain necessary basic qualifications.

1. Experience

2. Knowledge.

3. Academic / Formal Education.

4. Talent.

5. Ability to network.

In whatever legal way you may decide to engage as it concerns your fashion aspiration or dream, whether you wish to start up your own brand, or to seek employment with a distinguished International firm, or even to freelance on fashion designing, you are welcome to this page.


Fashion designing is the process of deploying creativity as an art in the production of clothing materials or assessories to meet certain desire or expectation of the Fashion designer or customer, using necessary tools and machines to accomplish that purpose.

Footwear, and other trending assessories that creates a unique appeal are part of Fashion designing.

To have an appealing desirable design, several intelligences play out, these are: planning, designing with sketches on a piece of paper or board, moving on to have a prototype of what it would look like, not excluding colour infiltration and texture.

The fashion design industry have become an innovation hub though it is still continously evolving and ever meeting the demands and challenges of a fast growing world.



Don’t be in a haste to become an international fashion designer, rather follow the process ladder by beginning small and grow gradually.


Always keep your ears open to gather informations and watch latest fashion products, get use to social media outlets like Instagram Facebook WhatsApp, etc to enrich your mind with recent releases, ideas and events.


Fashion shows affords you the unique opportunity to experience new relationship away from your locality, and cultivate new friends within the industry where you can share and cross-fertilize ideas with international industry friends and leaders that will act as a booster to your knowledge.


To be successful in the fashion industry, it is important that you know what you are doing, have a very strong knowledge and understanding of your chosen field, not excluding the ability or capacity to look for marketing and distribution outlets with a good understanding of money management.


To be distinguished in your fashion design profession, you must make an exceptional statement in your style, make originality your watchword, let the difference be clear, be unique in your designs aesthetic and style.


You must be trained at least at any specialised fashion designing training centre and pick a particular area of the fashion industry to specialised on, ie footwear, assessories, clothing etc. A university degree, or technical certificate would be of a great advantage and it will stand as a leverage in the pursuit of your fashion designer career.


To make a distinguishing mark and stand out as a fashion designer, you must understand the workings in the industry inside out, this understanding gives you a great edge in the school of fashion design and the intricacies involved in other to know the next direction of the industry.


The place of stewardship in the field of fashion design can not be overemphasised or underestimated, whether this is domestic or international, the advantages here is that it will assist you experience profit.


Having or making connections is one of the advantages to business growth, in life, and in very many situations, who you know matters, knowing and relating with people can catapult your business and increase your account balances on a daily basis.


Letting people know your capabilities in your fashion industry will help build their trust in your product efficiency and effectiveness, therefore show in pictures and practice what you can effectively design, I will suggest that you highlight your skills and best talent in design, style, and fabric.


Fashion design is as old as the world, a retrospect into king pharaoh’s Egypt, the fashion the Kings their wives, palace domestic staffs were adorned in, is enough statement and knowledge that fashion will continue to expand and pursue civilization, if not entirely overtake and conquer the new world. The wealth and potential power of fashion design and the influence that fashion will continue to exert upon the new world cannot be explained in one sentence or an entire book.


Many career chasing employees have been stucked in the middle of their career, got old and retired without being able to achieve their life’s ambition of getting to the height of their career and retiring to a good life and enjoying the treats that accompanies life after service.

Moving to, and getting to the top of your career has been a product of the observation of principles and practices, especially in big corporate organisations like banks, other related financial institutions, oil and gas companies, energy producing mega companies, steel corporations, maritime, international Airports, manufacturing companies and a host of many others.

The neglect or ignorance of natural principles and practices towards attainment and achievement of aspirations, ambitions pursuit of purpose has proven to be the greatest undoing, and retrogressive factor responsible for human development, progress, promotion, happiness and peace of mind.

Life is a great teacher, nature is a perfect lecturer, and like children playing and throwing objects at each other and enjoying their games, so human being was designed to relate with nature, because the answers to all the issues, trouble, challenges and problems in life is deposited with nature, who gives his answers and goodwill depending on the relationship between you and nature.


A career is an occupation undertaken for a significant period of time in a person’s life, and with opportunities for progress. A job or profession that someone does for a long period of time within their life.

There are four main different types of career.

1. Knowledge based.

2. Skill based.

3.Entreprenuer based.

4. Freelance.



Firstly, in the beginning of your life, go to school and get basic general education on how to read and write, very very important.


Pursue knowledge as you begin to grow older, reading many books you come across, from comic to fiction and non fiction, magazines, novels, self help books, religious books, read everything, read, read and read.


Find within you what you love best to do or what you may wish to become in the future. This is the most critical junction in your life that will determine where you are destined to arrive, this is the only time that is precious to you, it is like the name given to a child, that name becomes his identity as long as he live.


There are a thousand proffesions and vocations, begin to pursue your dream in that area you have chosen.


Choose to humble yourself and ask questions in everything you come across that is related to your chosen career.


Start from a humble background, though you may be a high school degree holder a university graduate or from a reliable professional body, distinguish yourself anywhere you are posted to work, by so doing they are exposing you to more knowledge.


Learn from your bosses as they handle and manage that related field with absolute commitment, dedication and build irrepproachable trust, confidence and integrity. Be genuine in all that you do.


Cultivate an exemplary character to become a reference point within your organisation.


Let punctuality be your watchword, be earlier to work and be the last to close from work. Keep at the back of your mind that you are being watched by practically both senior and junior staffs.

10. BE OPEN:

Make your lifestyle an open book, avoid staff petty gossip, don’t be arrogant abusive or lazy, be prompt, proactive and ready to serve at the slightest invitation to do so.


Only those who know where they are going and have set their compass to navigate them to their chosen dream destination arrives there. Though everyone was designed for the top, only few finds their way there. How? through knowledge and the right application of principles and practical observation.


Many people approach life differently from how they are supposed to approach life, life is not lived 100% here in our mortal existence, your real life is lived inside you. Just the way God made most very important aspect of our physical features to be two, for example, you have two legs, two hands, two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, so also God made our life in two’s, the spiritual and the physical life, the subconscious and the conscious life.

We have taken part in many adventures happening in the physical, because it seems closer to us with all the facilities at our finger tip, this is, we have met with people, related with technological advancements, seen realistic scientific breakthroughs, participated in politics and democratic experiences, learnt in classes, married and have children, driven in fast moving objects like aeroplane, trains, ships including other motorised vehicles. So we draw a conclusion that life begins and ends on this part of existence.

In all these realization, we have in reality not explored the most vital and important part of existence, the spiritual existence, the real life is actually domiciled there.

The mind, brain and all other taught processes about what to do, how to do it, where to go, and how to go there, what to sell and how to sell it, technological and scientific knowledge and breakthrough lives there, faith, actions and inactions lives there, the road to health and wealth including overall well-being lives there, the road to success, productivity, prosperity and peace of mind resides there and all the questions of life and existence are answered there.

Human beings have only depended and operated in one side of their lives and existence and the result of this failure to explore both sides equally have caused people to become confused, helpless, deprived, uninspired, poor, sickly, improper education, uninformed, undecided, morons, armed robbers, prostitutes, fraudsters, get rich quick syndrome, drug abuse and peddling, marriage failures and divorces, and all other social circle, political and spiritual vices. single parenthood and the list is endless


The greatest journey you must make, is the journey back to yourself, inside you is where God deposited the greatest opportunities, for example, wealth, solutions to different physical insurmountable problems, children, happiness, joy, miracles and breakthroughs, industries, administration, leadership in many spheres of life, including becoming the governor, senator and even the president of your country.

The neglect of who you are is the greatest and worst disservice you have done to yourself. Before you carry out any remarkable thing, you must travel back to yourself and get adequate knowledge or information about how to go about it. As a matter of fact, you must first travel back to yourself before you travel out with solution to conquer your world.


1. The journey starts with what your intentions are.

2. What do you Want to accomplish or achieve?.

3. Get away from physical realities and do a temporary relocation to an extraordinary quiet environment and solitary place.

4. Open the vault of your mind, put it to work by sending petition informations to it concerning a particular issue or issues.

5. Your mind summons all the creative faculties and start to process your information at a rate faster than any computer ever made.

6. The mind, upon completion sends your information petition back to you through the same process you sent it to it.

7. If you are not satisfied with the result sent from the mind, you can resend it back with another instruction, the mind sends you back result with different options to choose from.

8. Satisfied you come back to physical realities to begin implementation.

9. You can also subscribe to related books of greater minds that is related to your category of challenges, you have them everywhere.

10. The spiritual side of a man has always be of help in ages past, depending on your relationship with her, when you understand the power deposits of the mind and constantly resorts to her in times of challenges, the mystery of life is solved.


Man can live in peace and comfort only if he recognizes and realises that the solution to his problems resides within him, God made man in his own image and after his own likeness, God met a challenge when he was to commence creation of the world, the entire surface of the earth was covered with water and darkness was covering the water. God withdrew back to himself because there was no solution elsewhere, it was right inside him that he found solution. That same power is resident within YOU, explore it to your advantage.

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